Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, moxibustion, gua sha, shiatsu … you’re not alone in feeling confused.
Few of us grew up with this stuff. For those new to East Asian Medicine, hopefully the following offers a little insight into what you might expect in a treatment.
Does acupuncture hurt?
It depends. Generally, no. More often than not, patients will report a sensation that isn’t painful but can feel strong or intense. I’ve heard patients describe dullness, heaviness, aching, electricity and even confusion: ‘Hey! I felt that in my left elbow!’ (when the needle has been placed in the knee).
I have a medically managed condition – am I able to receive acupuncture and herbal medicine?
Generally, yes. Little Window takes an integrative approach to your healthcare, meaning that we will collaborate with you and your other healthcare providers to ensure you are receiving the best support available. Understanding body systems and drugs from western perspective is a large part of all our training as Chinese medical physicians and East Asian medicine has the capacity to support and/or enhance a western medical treatment, or in some cases reduce unwanted side effects from prescribed drugs. If you have an existing health care condition that is currently medically managed with pharmaceuticals and/or specialist healthcare providers, feel free to drop me a line to see how I might be able to support you.
See below for more information about drug/herb interactions.
How much will my herbs cost?
More information on the various forms of herbal administration can be found here.
How do I prepare my herbs?
Instructions on cooking your crude herbs can be found here.
Do you prescribe endangered species in your herbal formulas?
No. Unfortunately, over time the use of endangered species is growing, due to the over-farming of some plants and the poaching of endangered animals. Little Window primarily uses plants (leaves, sticks, seeds, fruits and roots). Some traditional formulations may include minerals and/or animal products or by-products (such as oyster shell). If these are prescribed they will be in discussion with you and vegetarian, vegan and halal requirements can be accommodated. No herb is included without a reason, and the benefit of compound medicine is that you receive a script with every single substance listed on it.
The substances used in Chinese Medicine formulas are strictly governed by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) that also regulates your local GP and pharmacists. Substances are also strictly monitored by the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Association), and Australian law to ensure that no endangered or unsafe species are used.
Can Chinese herbal medicine be dangerous?
Yes. Chinese herbs are strong, and should only be prescribed by a registered herbalist. Like any other medications, they should be kept out of reach of children, and you should always inform your practitioner of any other medications you are taking as there may be unwanted herb-drug interactions. You should not consume medicines that have not been prescribed for you, herbal or otherwise. Herbs should be taken at the dosage and time prescribed by your practitioner and only changed under their guidance.
Do I need to take my clothes off?
It depends. Shiatsu is performed with your clothes on, however bare skin is required for acupuncture. We suggest wearing loose and comfortable clothing to your appointment, so that clothing can be rolled up/draped where needed, and the style of acupuncture I use mainly focuses on hands and feet. There are thousands of acupuncture points we can use, and this medicine is renowned for flexibility. If you have concerns about revealing certain areas of your body, don’t worry, we can work around it.
Do I have to wear a mask?
No. However some patients with vulnerable immune systems need to wear a mask and in those cases I will as well. I also ask patients to wear a mask if you have recently been unwell and are still showing symptoms. Please do not attend the clinic if you are symptomatic and have not had a discussion with me first.